
The PSC will win the Catalan elections and distance itself from Junts and Esquerra

Madrid, 06 May 2024

Nota Informativa

  • According to the survey for the Catalan election campaign, the PSC would achieve between 29.8 and 33.2% of votes, more than 10 points behind Junts and ERC
  • The PSC-PSOE candidate, Salvador Illa, is the best rated by Catalans with 5.42
  • 38.7% affirm that they will decide their vote during the last week of the campaign, of which 15.9% during the day of reflection and on election day itself

The CIS has carried out a survey for the elections that are going to be held in Catalonia on May 12. The PSC-PSOE would be the first force and would achieve between 29.8 and 33.2%, Junts is the second force and would reach between 15.4 and 18.1% and ERC between 15.2 and 17. 9%. The Popular Party would be the fourth force with an estimate between 9.6 and 11.9%. VOX would remain between the estimated 5.8 and 7.5% in percentage of the vote. In Commons Add between 5 and 6.7%. The CUP with between 3.2 and 4.6%. And Aliança Catalana between 3 and 4.4%.

46.5% of Catalans acknowledge that they are following the news and topics related to the upcoming elections with “a lot or quite a lot of interest”, compared to 50.3% who say they have “little or no interest”.

70.2% say that television is the medium through which they have received the most information about programs and proposals for these elections, 62.7% say that the press - both in digital and printed formats - is the medium through which they have received the most information. used, and 47.9% answered that social networks.

When voting

For Catalans, the political party is more important when voting in these elections (59.7%), than the candidate presented by the party (24.1%). 6.4% assure that they give the same importance to the party as to the candidate. And only 3.9% will give greater importance to the electoral program.

Fidelity and voting decision

22.4% of Catalans affirm that they always vote for the same party, 24.9% that they generally “tend to” always vote for the same party and 45.9% according to “whatever suits them best in that moment”, they vote for one party or another, or they do not vote.

46% affirm that they decide their vote long before the start of the electoral campaign, 12.1% do so at the beginning of the campaign, 22.8% during the last week of the campaign, 6.9% during the day of reflection and 9% on election day itself. Furthermore, 1.3% are already clear that they will abstain.

Furthermore, 77.3% of Catalans assure that they will go to vote “with complete certainty” on May 12, 5 points more than in the previous survey on these elections, when 72.3% made this statement.

Candidate evaluation

The PSOE candidate, Salvador Illa, is the best rated with 5.42 and is the only one who approves, in second place is the Esquerra candidate, Pere Aragonés, with 4.77. In third position is the En Comú Podem candidate, Jessica Albiach, with a 4.30. Below 4, is the Junts candidate, Carles Puigdemont, with 3.86.
Illa once again heads the list as “the candidate most prepared to resolve the relevant issues in Catalonia”, according to 25.8% of respondents, followed by Carles Puigdemont (14.8%) and Per Aragonés (10.95). The candidate who inspires the most confidence is Salvador Illa (25.8%), Carles Puigdemont (14%) and Pere Aragonés (11.1%).

Preference as President

27.3% want Salvador Illa to be the President of the Generalitat after the regional elections, 16.9% want it to be Puigdemont and 12.8% want it to be the Esquerra candidate, Pere Aragonés.

Matters of interest for Catalonia

The PSC-PSOE is the party that is raising issues of most interest to Catalonia in this campaign (22%), followed by ERC (12.8%) and Cat-Junts+ (11%). As for the party that is raising issues of personal interest to voters, the PSC-PSOE appears in first position (20.6%), followed by ERC (11.3%) and Cat-Junts+ (10.9%).

These and other data are collected in the pre-election survey carried out from April 24 to 30 with 4,051 interviews.

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