Entrega del Barometro
Entrega del Barometro
Entrega del Barometro
Next delivery of the results preview of the study 3435 'Barómetro de enero 2024'
Entrega del Barometro
The PSOE is positioned as the first force with a vote estimate of 34%
Entrega del Barometro
Next delivery of the results preview of study 3432 ‘Hábitos democráticos'
Entrega del Barometro
89.8% of Spaniards believe that parties have the obligation to reach political consensus
Entrega del Barometro
Study 3433 'Índice de Confianza del Consumidor (ICC). Diciembre 2023' is available
Entrega del Barometro
Entrega del Barometro
The Popular Party could lose the absolute majority in Galicia
Entrega del Barometro
Entrega del Barometro
Entrega del Barometro
Carlota Solé and Rafael Pardo receive the National Prize for Sociology and Political Science
Entrega del Barometro
Entrega del Barometro
Entrega del Barometro
The Popular Party retreats and could lose the absolute majority in Galicia
Entrega del Barometro
Next delivery of the results preview of study 3436 ‘Tendencias de asociacionismo en España'
Entrega del Barometro
8823 'Barómetro sanitario 2023 (Total oleadas)' is available
Entrega del Barometro
The president of the CIS offers a dissertation on social trends at the Román consulting firm
Entrega del Barometro
Only 22.3% of Spaniards currently belong to some cultural, social or political association