Entrega del Barometro
Entrega del Barometro
Entrega del Barometro
The Popular Party, with 33.9% of the votes, is 2.6 points ahead of the PSOE
Entrega del Barometro
Advance on study results 3421 Estudio sobre audiencias de medios de comunicación social
Entrega del Barometro
72.1% of Spaniards claim to be informed about current events
Entrega del Barometro
The CIS and FUNGLODE sign an agreement to promote development in Sociology subjects
Entrega del Barometro
Check admission and tuition aid to the 'XXXII Postgraduate Course 2023-2024'
Entrega del Barometro
Next delivery of the results preview of 3425 'Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) for October 2023'
Entrega del Barometro
Next delivery of the results preview of 3424 ‘Encuesta sobre tendencias sociales (III)’
Entrega del Barometro
Advance on study results 3425 'Índice de Confianza del Consumidor. Mes de octubre 2023'
Entrega del Barometro
68.7% of Spaniards believe that the State should intervene in the economy
Entrega del Barometro
Advance on study results 3424 'Encuesta sobre tendencias sociales (III)'
Entrega del Barometro
Journalism students from the University of Valladolid visit the CIS
Entrega del Barometro
Entrega del Barometro
Entrega del Barometro
The trust of Spaniards in the Constitution increases over the years
Entrega del Barometro
The CIS pays tribute to the French sociologist Alain Touraine
Entrega del Barometro
Next publication of study 3426 ‘Barómetro sanitario 2023 (tercera oleada)'
Entrega del Barometro
57.5% of Spaniards consider that public health works well, although it needs changes