Entrega del Barometro
Entrega del Barometro
Request for publication proposals for the Cuadernos Metodológicos collection (Deadline: 06/15/2011).
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Awarded the II Prize for the best article published in the REIS
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The CIS awards the Second REIS Prize for an article on salary discrimination in organisations.
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Boletín CIS nº9. Back editions of the bulletins may be viewed at The CIS.
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National Prize for Sociology and Political Science 2010 to Professor Carlos Moya
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Delivery to Congress of the Pre-electoral Surveys of the 2011 Regional and Municipal Elections
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Advance on study results Preelectorales de las elecciones autonómicas y municipales de 2011.
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Entrega del Barometro
Entrega del Barometro
Entrega del Barometro
Call for presentation of book 'Excluded Generations: Mexican-Americans, Assimilation and Race'
Entrega del Barometro
Entrega del Barometro