Back Presentation of the Book "Third Sector and Citizen Participation in Spain" Madrid, 23 January 2006 Nueva Publicación Press release ...
Back José Jiménez Blanco receives the National Prize for Sociology and Political Science Madrid, 02 February 2006 Premio Press release ...
Back Infanta Doña Cristina presents the 2005 National Prize for Sociology and Political Science to Professor Jiménez Blanco Madrid, 02 February 2006 Premio ...
Back Presentation of the Book 'The crossroads of cultural diversity' Madrid, 22 February 2006 Presentación libro Press release ...
Back Autonomous barometer Madrid, 23 February 2006 Avance Estudio Press release ...
Back Interview with Fernando Vallespín in the newspaper El País Madrid, 06 March 2006 Entrevista Document ...
Back New publication of the Opinions and Attitudes collection: 'The image of the health system' Madrid, 15 March 2006 Nueva Publicación ...
Back February barometer Madrid, 29 March 2006 Avance Barómetro Press release ...
Back Fertility survey: New Publication of the CIS Opinions and Attitudes collection Madrid, 05 April 2006 Nueva Publicación Press release ...
Back New publication of the Opinions and Attitudes collection: 'The Basque Autonomous Elections of April 2005' Madrid, 04 May 2006 Nueva Publicación ...
Back 'Migratory Process of a Salvadoran Woman' and 'Postmodernity and Sports: between Individualization and Massification': new CIS publications Madrid, 26 June 2006 Nueva...
Back Monograph Collection: 'Single parenthood and family policy' and 'The third sector and the market: institutional conflicts in Spain' Madrid, 11 July 2006 Nueva Publicación ...
Back New publications from the Monographs Collection: 'Spaniards in Russia and Russians in Spain' and 'Civil society in Poland and Solidarity' Madrid, 17 July 2006 Nueva...
Back 'History of the Institute of Public Opinion' Madrid, 02 October 2006 Nueva Publicación Press release ...
Back Salvador Giner, National Prize for Sociology and Political Science Madrid, 02 November 2006 Fomento Press release ...
Back Monograph Collection: 'A couple, two salaries' and 'Age of change' Madrid, 08 November 2006 Nueva Publicación Press release ...
Back First deliberative survey in Spain Madrid, 15 November 2006 Estudio Press release ...
Back New publication of the CIS Opinions and Attitudes collection: 'The attitudes of Spaniards towards the Welfare State, 1985-2005' Madrid, 27 November 2006 Nueva Publicación ...
Back 'Social Psychology' and 'Frame Analysis', published in the Monographs Collection Madrid, 18 January 2007 Nueva Publicación Press...
Back 'Modernization, Cultural Change and Democracy: The Sequence of Human Development', new CIS publication. Madrid, 24 January 2007 Nueva Publicación ...