
New WEB page of the Sociological Research Center

Madrid, 23 February 2011

Página Web

In recent months the CIS has worked on renewing its Internet presence, to offer an updated channel, both in image and services:

This effort has been made not only to improve the design, but, above all, to facilitate access to our information, for which the content architecture has been reviewed.

The download of microdata (14,000 between 2009 and 2010), used mainly by social researchers, has been improved, allowing them to register on the portal to access the data with a single registration, avoiding repeat operations.

The Sociological Research Center carries out important editorial work, which we intend to bring closer to our users, enabling them to acquire our publications from the website itself (La Librería ). This initiative continues other initiatives, such as printing on demand and editions in specific formats for electronic books, already underway for a few months.

Multimedia resources have also been introduced in the press area, to facilitate the work of the media, and the information has been reordered for better access to the files. In addition, on this new page you can consult the center's annual reports since 1999, as well as the appearances of the Presidents of the CIS before the Parliamentary Committees since 1995.

Esta información puede ser usada en parte o en su integridad sin necesidad de citar fuentes.

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