Information note on the 'April 2023 Barometer'
Madrid, 20 April 2023
Nota informativa
65.1% of Spaniards claim to have a "good or very good" personal economic situation
- In the latest CIS barometer from April, health is the second problem that most personally affects citizens. In first place are the problems of an economic nature
- Pedro Sánchez continues to be the favorite to be president of the Government for 21.3%, followed by Alberto Núñez Feijóo with 14.6%
- Margarita Robles is the highest rated minister with a 5.15
Madrid, April 20, 2023 . In the April barometer carried out by the CIS, citizens assure that they have a favorable economic situation . While 65.1% rate their personal economic situation as "good or very good", 21% rate it as "bad or very bad". These data show that the percentage of people who affirm that their economic situation is good or very good has increased compared to the month of March, where it stood at 63.9%.
Regarding the problems that personally affect Spaniards , "economic problems" occupy first place with 44.6%, followed by "health", which has become an important problem for 24.1%. And in third position is "unemployment" for 16.1%.
Political leadership
Regarding the preferences to be President of the Government , Pedro Sánchez continues to be the favorite with 21.3%, followed by Alberto Núñez Feijóo with 14.6%. The distance between both leaders reaches 6.7 points. Yolanda Díaz occupies third position and is preferred by 13.2%.
When asked about the trust generated by both the President of the Government and the main leader of the opposition, for 32.5% of citizens, Pedro Sánchez inspires "a lot or quite a lot of trust" while those who say that Alberto Núñez Feijóo inspires them " a lot or quite a lot of confidence" are 23.7%.
The April barometer also includes the evaluation of ministers that is carried out every 3 months, and women are once again the most valued by citizens. Minister Margarita Robles continues to lead the list with a 5.15, Yolanda Díaz is the second best rated with a 5.07 and the Minister of Economy, Nadia Calviño, occupies third position with a 4.93.
Vote estimate
Regarding electoral estimation data, this barometer already collects data from the platform led by Vice President Yolanda Díaz. The PSOE is the first political force with 30.4%, the PP achieves 26.1%, VOX 11.1%, SUMAR 10.6%, U. Podemos 6.7% and Ciudadanos would remain in 2.8%.
The data from this survey carried out between March 31 and April 5, with a sample of 4,159 interviews, are available to all media and interested people on the website of the Sociological Research Center (
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