
The CIS publishes new material from the 60th Anniversary Exhibition, in relation to the studies carried out in 1975 on the occasion of the declaration, by the United Nations, of the International Women's Year.

Madrid, 05 May 2023


1975. International Women's Year

The United Nations establishes 1975 as International Women's Year and holds a series of conferences and activities to address the legal and social situation of women in the world. One of the agreements reached by the organization is to declare March 8 International Women's Day. In Spain, the government of General Franco commissions the Women's Section of the Falange to organize the activities related to the event. In the month of March, the Institute of Public Opinion carries out Study 1076, International Women's Year I, in which it asks: “Do you believe that in Spanish legislation there is discrimination between men and women? ”. 64% of those surveyed responded affirmatively. (Link to Study 1076).

In December, a second survey was carried out (Study 1092, International Women's Year II) that included the following question (question no. 9): Are you in favor of women being able to occupy any of these positions? Listing below the positions of Head of State, Presidency of the Government, Minister, Undersecretary, Governor and Mayor; among others (Link to Study 1092). In relation to the Head of State, 47.1% of those surveyed responded that they were not in favor of the position being held by a woman; For the position of President of the Government, the rejection rate stood at 44.8% and in the case of the mayors, the rejection rate dropped to 27.6%.

Link to the 60th Anniversary Exhibition

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