
Advance results

The CIS makes 'Previews of results' of its surveys available to the public, with provisional data. These Advances contain the following documents: the technical sheet of the study, the relative frequencies of each of the questions and their cross-sections by certain sociodemographic, political and socioeconomic variables; Some of them being: sex, age, level of education, size of municipality, voting memory or ideological self-location. Furthermore, in those surveys that have voting intentions, a sheet estimating electoral results is also included in accordance with the type of elections in question (general, regional, municipal or European elections).

Date Advance on study results
08-11-2012 Advance on study results 2965 'Preelectoral de Cataluña. Elecciones autonómicas 2012'
08-11-2012 Advance on study results 2960 'Barómetro de octubre de 2012'
05-11-2012 Advance on study results 2961 'Indicador de Confianza del Consumidor. Mes de octubre'
23-10-2012 Advance on study results 2953 'Opinión pública y política fiscal (XXIX)'
05-10-2012 Advance on study results 2959 'Preelectoral del País Vasco. Elecciones autonómicas 2012'
05-10-2012 Advance on study results 2958 'Preelectoral de Galicia. Elecciones autonómicas 2012'
03-10-2012 Advance on study results 2955 'Indicador de Confianza del Consumidor. Mes de septiembre'
03-09-2012 Advance on study results 2957 'Indicador de Confianza del Consumidor. Mes de agosto'
06-08-2012 Advance on study results 2951 'Barómetro de julio de 2012'
03-08-2012 Advance on study results 2952 'Indicador de Confianza del Consumidor. Mes de julio'
05-07-2012 Advance on study results 2948 'Barómetro de junio de 2012'
03-07-2012 Advance on study results 2949 'Indicador de Confianza del Consumidor. Mes de junio'
06-06-2012 Advance on study results 2940 'Postelectoral elecciones autonómicas 2012. Principado de Asturias'
06-06-2012 Advance on study results 2939 'Postelectoral elecciones autonómicas 2012. Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía'
06-06-2012 Advance on study results 2944 'Barómetro de mayo de 2012'
04-06-2012 Advance on study results 2945 'Indicador de Confianza del Consumidor. Mes de mayo'
08-05-2012 Advance on study results 2941 'Barómetro de abril de 2012'
03-05-2012 Advance on study results 2943 'Indicador de Confianza del Consumidor. Mes de abril'
04-04-2012 Advance on study results 2920 'Postelectoral elecciones generales 2011'
04-04-2012 Advance on study results 2935 'Barómetro de marzo de 2012'
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